We promote the spiritual maturity of each student.
Spiritual maturity may best be described as christ-likeness. Because Jesus came "... Not to be served, but to serve ..." we provide ample opportunities for our students to understand what it looks like to serve others through community service.

Community service is a part of the graduation requirements for BCHS students and one credit will be given for 40 hours of service over the four-year high school career.
This credit is earned through the yearly completion of five hours of individual community service performed outside of school hours and five hours of community service provided by BCHS and performed during the school day. For the individual service credits (those earned outside of the school day), students will utilize the mobileserve app to request approval for each service event completed.
Service learning
Initiated from a desire to provide meaningful opportunities to serve the Bakersfield community, BCHS launched service learning in the 2019-20 school year. With this program, BCHS’ goal is to provide five hours a year for each student to serve with peers and staff during the school day at one of our partner organizations. Students must complete the remaining half of their required community service hours either in conjunction with a club, team or independently.

In December 2022, BCHS launched a school-wide serve day, expanding the number of non-profit organizations we partner with for service learning. We will continue to mobilize the majority of our student body and staff to serve at various non-profits in our community as we continue to operate in Christ-likeness. If you are part of an organization that would like to partner with BCHS, contact the spiritual formation director and get involved!

Rosewood Senior Living Community
Blessing Corner Ministries
The Mission of Kern County
Right For Life Kern County
Grace Street Garden/Apple Core Project
The Open Door Network - Bakersfield Homeless Center
Fox Theater Foundation
Keep Bakersfield Beautiful
Bakersfield Pregnancy Center
Orlie’s Shoe Drive
Bakersfield Angels
Tommy's Legacy
Bakersfield Recovery Services - Jason’s Retreat
Kern Bridges Youth Homes
Flood Ministries