FLIGHT is an acronym that encompasses attributes of a BCHS Eagle. Our student body, administration, faculty, and staff come from a variety of backgrounds and within that reality, it is important that we operate first and foremost with the love of Christ.
Additionally, we desire to not only live in a manner worthy of Christ’s calling as Paul did, but to model and teach our student body to live in this way. The acronym FLIGHT was collaboratively designed then introduced to our students in March of 2023 showcasing Christlike characteristics. This school year, the Spiritual Formation direction of our chapels will focus on the elements of FLIGHT.
Furthermore, it will serve as a platform for positive recognition of our students who display the Christlike characters of FLIGHT.
F is for fellowship because we are a community that provides an inviting environment for students to connect and build one another up.
L is for leadership as each student has the capacity to be a courageous leader who stands up for what is right.
I is for integrity as students continue to make honorable choices and be trustworthy young men and women
G is for Godliness with the desire to see each student operate in love, honor others, pray consistently, and seek our Heavenly Father’s plans and purposes.
H is for humility as we follow Christ’s example of putting others first; even in victory, we are gracious to others.
T is for thankfulness as we steward what the Lord has given us, have joy in our circumstances, and are grateful for all we have.
Creating an environment for spiritual growth.
BCHS offers opportunities for students to be informed of and engaged in a life of apprenticeship to Jesus Christ.
Setting time aside throughout the year for prayer, fellowship, worship and service is a life-long habit we hope to model during students' time here. With this in mind, the school has established various programs to help its students cultivate a life of discipleship, that will in turn, reflect the nature of God Himself.
Weekly Chapel
When: Every Thursday morning
Where: BCHS Sports Center
Who: All students and staff
What: Corporate worship service and message
Missions & Outreach
International Mission Trips
Local Mission Trips
Community Service
Service Learning
Student Ministry Teams
Spiritual Emphasis Week
Hume Lake Retreat
For all students and staff held every other year sets spiritual tone for the year
Spiritual Emphasis Week
Special Chapel Services all week. Guest Speakers and times for reflection.

We are thrilled to send a BCHS team to Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic in the Summer of 2025 for a short term missions trip! We partner with Students International for this ministry opportunity. To learn more about this organization and what our BCHS team will experience while there, click the button below.