

This course helps students understand and develop the basic elements of fiction. Students are encouraged to emulate authors and have a variety of completed works. As with everything we do, our writing can be a gift and a service to God. Creative Writing students enjoy the opportunity to serve God by participating in chapel skits and coffee houses (either as actors/readers or behind the scenes for those who are less eager to be in front of an audience). Students will be required to complete a submission letter and one piece for publication. Students also are allowed to participate in the entire process of publishing a school magazine from organizing and editing submissions to advertising and selling. Each student in this class has a special position, all of which are valuable and necessary. No student is forced to participate in front of large crowds; no student is disallowed the privilege of doing so. Students’ individual goals and interest dictate much of the written work. “Fun with Writing” is the motto for this class.

Prerequisite: Completion of Introduction to Literature with a grade of C or better.

Eligibility: 10th-12th grade


Forensics is the art and science of public speaking. It is both a class and an extracurricular activity. Among the activities included in Forensics are debate, impromptu speaking, dramatic interpretation, humorous interpretation, and mock congress. Students not only learn how to effectively communicate in a public setting, they also learn how to take notes, how to use hand gestures for emphasis, and most importantly how to listen.1st and 2nd year attend a Forensics class, 3rd and 4th year attend after school club.

Prerequisites: 2.75 GPA, teacher recommendation, signed contract.

Eligibility: 9th-12th grades


Robotics is an engineering based course where students will use the engineering process to design, build, and program robots. Students will work in teams to compete against other schools in VEX robotics competition. Challenges will be solved with physical robots as well as simulations. Students will be expected to solve challenges using physical robots and computer simulations. The course will also emphasize presentation and documentation as a crucial portion of the engineering process.

Prerequisite: Algebra 1 (or concurrent enrollment)

Eligibility: 9th through 12th grade


The course would include the following topics: studying the impact of legendary coaches and Christian leaders such as John Wooden, John Maxwell and Tony Dungy; what is 'coaching’ and how to be an effective coach; building a productive teaching/coaching session; implementing a coaching plan; how to analyze film for sports, statistics and sports psychology. Students will be assigned to as a team managers for our school sports teams for credit as well. This course is intended for those thinking of pursuing the non-athlete side of sports.

Prerequisite: None

Eligibility: 9th through 12th grade


This class is an introductory journey through the basics of psychology and sociology, including various theories, practices, methods, and practical uses of these fields of study in students' everyday lives. Semester one's focus is on psychology and places special emphasis on individual behavior, human development, learning, motivation, personality, psychological disorders and treatment. The second semester will focus on sociology and will involve investigation into human relationships, group behavior, and social interaction in complex contemporary societies. It will explore themes, such as culture, social structure, the individual in society, social institutions and the changing social world.

Prerequisites: None

Eligibility: 10th through 12th grade


This course is designed for advanced study of agriculture business opportunities and economics for the college-bound students with an interest in agriculture. Through the course, the students will understand and apply basic economic principals as they relate to individual consumers, production agriculture, and agri-business management. Life skills such as resumes, job applications, interview skills, and college and scholarship applications are included. The students will develop a "business" that will produce, package, determine prices, and market their products. Students will keep accurate records of expenses, receipts, and profit/losses. The the conclusion of the course, profits will be split equitably between all participants.


AP Computer Science Principles is a complete, full-year Adhesive course developed in partnership with the University of Texas at Austin’s UTeach Institute that focuses on the 7 “Big Ideas” in computer science using project-based approaches. This course will prepare students for the end-of-course AP Exam.

Prerequisite: Introduction to Computer Science or test for skill set

Eligibility: 10th through 12th grade


This course allows students to apply an artistic approach to floral design. Students will explore elements and principles of design, two or three dimensional designs, history of floral art, arrangement styles and techniques, seasonal, holiday and occasional designs. Students will achieve this through creating, designing, identifying, explaining and evaluating all topics of study. In addition, all students will learn various types of cut and potted foliage, potted flowering plants, fresh flowers, tools, materials, display techniques, cut flower care and wedding consulting.

Prerequisite: None Required

Eligibility: 9-12 grades … specifically for students in the Ag Science Program



A music class that teaches intermediate guitar technique in the style of classical, flat-picking, jazz, country and rock. This class teaches intermediate music theory and techniques and instructs the student to apply these techniques toward the composition of their own original song. Students are required to perform this song at a function to be determined by the guitar teacher and the administration. Each student is required also to play at least once in the student worship band during chapel services.

Prerequisite: Guitar 1

Eligibility: 10th-12th grades


A music class that teaches intermediate guitar technique in the style of classical, flat-picking, jazz, country and rock. This class teaches intermediate music theory and techniques and instructs the student to apply these techniques toward the composition of their own original song. Students are required to perform this song at a function to be determined by the guitar teacher and the administration. Each student is required also to play at least once in the student worship band during chapel services. Guitar 3 students will continue with the same techniques at a higher level.

Prerequisite: Guitar 1 and 2

Eligibility: 10th-12th grades


Worship Arts is a class that will prepare the student for a career in part or full time ministry with the church in all things that is known today as Worship Arts. This class will teach the elements that make up today's worship service such as the spiritual state of the heart of a worship leader, how to facilitate a worship band, how to plan a worship service, how to schedule, and how to stay current with your worship service. Hands on activities will include practicing worship songs and producing a worship set as a worship band, creating an effective visual PowerPoint presentation, usage of proper lighting with a professional lighting system and software, learning elements of sound while operating a state of the art sound system, multi-track recording techniques for CD production or live streaming online, and controlling all aspects of technology through Ableton Live. This class will provide an introduction to the student on all elements that the public observes and experiences that make the church worship experience a great one.

Prerequisite: None Required

Eligibility: 9-12 grades


These courses are an extension of Theater 1 and 2. They are designed to enhance skill levels in all areas through continued exploration of themes in previous courses. The student is given increasingly difficult material to explore, taken from classic and modern theatre, as well as film. Student emphasis will be on acting, directing and writing with some technical theater and theater history as well. The primary aim is to emulate the style of professional actors workshops.

Prerequisites: Theater 2 and permission of the instructor via audition.

Eligibility: 10th-12th grades


This course provides a thorough introduction to all aspects of technical theater: stagecraft, lighting, prop manufacturing, sound, set painting, and computerized show control. Balancing hands-on work with lecture, this course seeks to familiarize students with the tools of the theatre technician's craft. Additionally the course provides each student with the opportunity to design a set for a theoretical production. Each student is required to work on the crew of at least one performing arts production during the year.

Prerequisites: Theater 1 or permission of the instructor. This course may be repeated as course content changes each year.

Eligibility: 10th-12th grades


This class includes an introduction to the world of media. Itl focuses on the background information needed to provide students with a solid foundation for future communications courses. This course covers media, ethics, broadcast writing, announcing and interviewing, as well as directing and producing. Students present daily school announcements through television media. At the end of the course, each student has a general understanding of how each role of the broadcast arena is played and an ability to perform successfully within each role. Each student will have the opportunity to perform each role in daily broadcasts played live to the entire campus. Students work as a team to bring information and entertainment to the school. This class may be repeated with subsequent years given more in depth instruction and responsibility.

Prerequisite: GPA of 3.0 or better in English classes.

Eligibility: 10th-12th grades


This course will teach students how to design, open, and run a profitable business. They will learn the ins and outs of business finance, banking, etc.

Prerequisite: None

Eligibility: 9th through 12th grade


Engaging Culture Seminar is designed to help students think biblically about how to purposefully interact with today's society in ways that are both redemptive and meaningful. Over the course, we will examine various Christian texts in relation to the intersection between faith and culture so that students will gain knowledge and confidence in how to effectively articulate and live out the Gospel against the backdrop of a secular world. Topics for study will include: Comparative Religions, World Missions, Cultural Apologetics, Social Media, Vocation, and Christian Leadership. The daily structure of the class emphasizes strong student participation and is geared towards highly motivated students who have a sincere love for Jesus Christ and desire to grow deeper in their faith and calling.

Prerequisite: Introduction to Old & New Testament

Eligibility: 10th through 12th grade



Student aides are assigned to a specific teacher to make bulletin boards, do photocopying and help the teacher organize classroom work. Credit is given for each semester served. A maximum of 10 credits that can count toward the graduation requirements. The grade for this class is based on attendance, following instructions and completion of assigned tasks. The teacher or administrator will determine grades.

Prerequisite: Approval of teacher, administrator and counselor.

Eligibility: 9th-12th grades


The purpose of study hall is to provide students with the opportunity to do class assignments. The teacher will provide assistance as needed. Students do not earn credits for study hall (1 period of study hall per year unless approved by the Vice President of Academic Growth).

Prerequisites: None

Eligibility: 9th-12th grade


Students may earn credits for working a job off campus. Students must complete weekly employer evaluations in order to earn credits.

Prerequisite: 2.0 or higher GPA and good attendance in order to qualify for a work permit.

Eligibility: 12th grade


Students will learn the basic fundamentals and skills necessary in the field of athletic training. Instruction includes fundamental knowledge of the athletic training profession and practice, basic anatomy and physiology, recognition and assessment of athletic injuries, first aid care, emergency preparedness, nutrition, sport psychology, training room/office management practice, procedures, standards and ethics. In addition, students will learn about the possible career pathways within sports medicine. Students will use scientific methods of observation, investigation, experimentation, data collection and data analysis. Laboratory and practicum work is performed both in and outside of the classroom. This course incorporates a learner-centered approach to the profession of athletic training. Collaborative learning, creativity, critical thinking and hands-on experience is emphasized. Students will demonstrate how to combine academic and clinical learning and integrate it into practical performances and presentations to improve long-term learning retention.


Four courses are currently offered in partnership with Bakersfield College: Writing and Composition, Public Speaking, and Spanish Levels 1 and 2. BCHS faculty teach the courses on this campus and are also adjunct faculty at BC. We will expand the number of offerings as student interest grows.All courses are fully accredited and aligned to the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC). These courses satisfy the lower division general education requirements in both the California State University and University of California systems.