The Eagle Excellence Annual Fund
The Eagle Excellence Annual Fund is an ongoing campaign
that supports BCHS' rigorous curriculum, dedicated teachers
and overall extraordinary high school experience.
Making the BCHS Experience a Reality
Your gift to the Eagle Excellence Annual Fund supports a transformative educational experience, rich in opportunities to learn and mature.
Every single student benefits from the Annual Fund. Tuition alone does not cover the actual cost of the BCHS experience; the Annual Fund provides revenue to help bridge the gap per student and provides need-based financial assistance to approximately a third of our student body.
How you can help. We challenge our community to raise $575,000 for our Annual Fund. Please prayerfully consider giving as you have been blessed. The Annual Fund campaign continues throughout the entire school year. As we focus on giving, let your gift to the Annual Fund be a vote of confidence in BCHS’ mission and leadership. We pray that your family continues to be blessed by BCHS, as you are a blessing to us.
“Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord.”